public announcment:
THere is a fruit here that looks like a....well kinda like well its like a apple in that its skin is thin, a pineapple in that its really sweet, a cucumber in that its longish, a yellow tomato and a warhead for sourness all inone!! not to metion it has a seed like a sea urchin with all its spines all up in the air....ya fun to eat if you want a lip peircing.
But it is bitter sweet like the warhead and you just keep eating it with a face mas happy and in pain all in the same time.
But Good news is me and my companion hermana Custodio we don´t have transfers so we can see the baptism of the eternal investigator finally this week end and the bishop is going to baptize him. He makes me laugh so hard his wife and him fight like two older people (which they are) and it is something off of a mexican soap opera, but i have alot of respect for him he treats his wife with so much love. It is even part of why he is getting baptized he loves his wife so much! aww!
And finally this sunday at church we had investigators make it to the sacrament meeting!! Even our favorite family with their son of nine years old! YAY they are the Cutest little family a but inactive but the dad made it and the two boys Fabrizio(yes with z) and jose. they LOVE to read the book of mormon and they understand better the gospel principles than any other investigator that we have. even a man of 25 years old has the hardest time understanding what is the book of mormon and these kids of nine and seven understand perfectly. I love teaching children they are so smart and filled with the spirit. The only bad part is thier little brother has the flu and well yep as we are visiting them almost every day me and my companion both sound like cartoon characters. We are couging a bit with runny noses and carry a roll of toilet paper everywhere we go and share the roll. sister papel hijenico? take it down pass it around. but were good and getting better.
WE are also teaching a eighteen year old girl whose friend is member and she is very interested and sweet! She also came sunday.
We are really excited to see this sector progress in this next transfer with reinforced spiritual power and goals to get better and have the fight to combat the world!! MISSIONARIES ARE AWESOME!!! Keep your head up and just smile!! LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!
Love Sister ATKINSON and the ZONA MARANGA!!!